
Showing posts from October, 2016

...where you baptised in the name of paul?: a question many Christians should answer.

The increasing level of fanaticism associated with church labels and general overseers, is a proof that denominationalism is a force that every christian needs deal with as we earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. The word denominate means 'to give a name to' or 'to designate'. In this sense, every group of 'Christians' operating under a particular name consist a denomination. But denominationalism on the other hand means to emphasize denominational differences to the point of being narrowly exclusive. So the problem is not necessarily the existence

You don't need a sooth sayer, a Pastor or Reuben Abati to tell you that the supernatural is a reality.

Some hours ago I read an article by Peter  Ntephe of the cable news. This article was in criticism of Dr Reuben Abati's   the spiritual side of Aso Villa  which flooded  the media two days ago. I was particular disturbed at Peter's atheistic approach in his criticism. He criticised the reality of the supernatural and denied totally the possibility of such demonic manifestations in Aso Rock as described in Dr Abati 's claim. With many other readers lending their voices in his support due to

I think the problem really is misinterpretation: see what this is all about

  Satan has so perverted the gospel of grace such that a 'Christian' can get up in the morning from the bed of fornication without guilt, wipe himself or herself with the towel of grace, go out on christian activities and return in the evening to the same act. We have been told often times that we are in the era of grace and not of law; which is absolutely scriptural. But there is a problem which can no longer be ignored: Grace being misinterpreted.

Does Water Have Scent? Science Vs Mystery. Find out

In our Primary School days, we learned that clean water is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. This of course is an established fact in science and confirmed in our everyday life. However, I know of a kind of clean water that has odor (smell): but a very pleasant, invigorating and refreshing one. This water has a scent that intoxicates and quickens. When you drink it, you smell like it. Sweet savor, Sweet fragrance.

Stay in Church, Leave our schools..

Today October 04, 2016, Todd Starnes published a report on Fox that a Government District in Georgia, USA has fired off directives to public school administrators ordering them to remove everything related to the Christian faith from the public schools. Below are excerpts from the letter sent to one of the public schools (East lake Elementary School)

Disappointment can be a catalyst to self discovery. See what happened to this man

I once read a story about an unemployed man who in desperation  to support his family applied for a janitor's job at a large firm and easily passed the aptitude test. The human resources manager told him, "You will be hired at minimum wage of $5.15 an hour. Let me have your e-mail address so that we can get you in the loop. Our system will automatically e-mail you all the forms and advise you when to start and where to report on your first day."

This Pastor said: "I have a confession to make". See what it's all about.

I have a confession to make. As a pastor, I have too much invested in getting people to attend church. My salary depends on it. My reputation depends on it. My sense of self-worth depends on it. All to a much larger degree than I'm comfortable with. And I'm not alone. COME TO CHURCH? Or COME TO JESUS?

This Interview is from four years ago but you'll be so amazed what it will do for you

BSM: “Familiarity breeds contempt.” How do you keep your familiarity with the Bible from causing you to grow indifferent to it? PIPER: I pray Psalm 119:18 each time I go to the Bible: “Open my eyes that I may behold wonders in your law.” I think the point of that prayer is that there are wonders everywhere in “the law,” in the Bible, the instruction of God. And the psalmist is aware that he doesn’t often feel or see wonderful things as wonderful. So he asks to see. I do as well. I’m asking specifically that I would have spiritual eyes to see what is wonderful as wonderful. And don’t think that it doesn’t matter that you read glorious things without seeing them as glorious. It matters, and therefore we should plead with God to open our eyes.

Is modernism a blessing or a curse? see how someone feels about it

Take me back to the old Paths, when Moms were at home. Dads were at work. Brothers went into the army. And sisters got married BEFORE having children! Crime did not pay; Hard work did; And people knew the difference. Moms could cook; Dads would work; Children would behave... Husbands were loving; Wives were supportive; and children were polite.